
Grow and Buy CBD Hemp Seeds In Mexico

Hemp farm and seeds close up

Written June, 2021 – We anticipate legislation in Mexico to be actively changing in the coming months since publishing this information.

CBD Hemp Farming in Mexico Set to Take Off

Mexico hopefully will soon be in far better shape than most countries when it comes to regulations, although the market hinges on finalizing laws that govern cannabis and hemp. In 2018, Mexico’s Supreme Court ruled that a complete ban on marijuana is unconstitutional, setting the stage for lawmakers to regulate the use of hemp and cannabis. As of Spring 2021, Mexico’s lower level of Congress passed a law that would allow adults to smoke marijuana and, with a permit, grow a small number of cannabis plants at home. Producers – from small farmers to commercial growers – will also be able to obtain licenses in the future  to cultivate and sell the crop. The bill is expected to be passed by Mexico’s senate sometime next fall and Mexico would then become the third country in the world, after Uruguay and Canada, to fully legalize the use of marijuana. The connection of Hemp and Marijuana is the largest restricting issue around the world for hemp farmers. With Marijuana soon hopefully becoming legal, restrictions on hemp farmers would be much less so than in other countries. Therefore Mexico is one of the best countries for the future of hemp farmers and those who do their research now and plan ahead will be in the best shape when growing hemp is finally allowed.

How Will New Law Impact Growing CBD Hemp Seeds in Mexico?

Economic Impact of Growing CBD Hemp in Mexico

Before the legislation was even passed, a report by Grand View Research, Inc. predicted the Mexico hemp CBD market size would reach $275.8 million by 2025. The personal use segment is anticipated to dominate the market. CBD oil for relaxation and personal care remedies is a major factor contributing to the growth of this segment. The food and beverage segment is expected to witness the fastest growth. In addition to the expected changes in law, improving lifestyle and increasing awareness regarding the health benefits of cannabidiol is propelling the growth of this segment. We believe the CBD industry in Mexico is still in its infancy and has tremendous untapped potential once the new law goes into effect.

Getting Started Growing CBD Hemp Seeds in Mexico

Now is the time to begin preparing for the new business opportunities that will come along with the new laws. Blue Forest Farms is available to answer any questions you may have regarding CBD hemp farming in Mexico and is gearing up to begin shipping seeds to Mexico as soon as the legal cannabis program is rolled out.

Many of the Blue Forest Farms CBD hemp seed varieties are ideal for growing in tropical climates like Mexico. Specifically our two exclusive strains Hot Blonde and Queen Dream are mold resistant and grow well in tropical climates. All of our seeds are Non GMO.

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