CBG vs. CBD: What’s the Difference?
The world of hemp is full of acronyms since cannabinoids often have long and scientific names that don’t always indicate what they actually do. But many of these three-letter acronyms can sometimes make it even more difficult to figure out the difference between cannabinoids and their potential benefits. CBG and CBD are very different cannabinoids,…
CBN vs. CBD: How Do They Compare?
CBD is a beloved wellness cannabinoid used by people from all walks of life to support holistic well-being. Many people added CBD into their daily routine, and shortly thereafter, new cannabinoids started popping up. Now CBN has worked its way into the arsenal of wellness cannabinoids, and a lot of natural wellness enthusiasts were quick…
The Beginner’s Guide to Private Label CBD Products
Are you considering creating your own CBD products to sell? Starting a hemp business is a great way to share your passion for CBD with others while making a name for yourself (and not to mention earning some extra income). However, there are some important decisions you’ll need to make before getting your business off…
How to Use CBD Oil for Sleep
If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, you’re not alone. An estimated 50 to 70 million Americans report having sleep-related problems. We’re all actually supposed to be getting a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night. How often do you meet your sleep goal? Having trouble sleeping can be frustrating, and negatively…
What is CBDa?
CBD, CBG, CBN, CBDa…it seems like there’s a new cannabinoid discovered almost every day! With increased research, the list of beneficial cannabinoids found in hemp only continues to grow and it’s easy to lose track. Today, we’re going to talk about one of our favorite cannabinoids CBDa– where CBDa comes from, what the benefits of…
Delta 8 vs. Delta 10: A Detailed Comparison
Delta-8 and delta-10 THC both play valuable roles in the holistic hemp experience. But, while they’re both forms of THC, they work very differently. Some people might find that they prefer one to the other — or that they work best when used at the same time. Learn more about delta-8 and delta-10, their differences,…
CBN for Sleep: Is It Effective?
How have you been sleeping lately? We’ve been sleeping pretty well, mostly because we’ve incorporated a little bit of CBN into our bedtime routine. Sleep is essential for your mental and physical health, so it’s important to do what you can to get restful, high-quality sleep. We think CBN is worth a try as a…