
How To Harvest Cannabis: Expert Tips

how to harvest cannabis

Harvesting cannabis is an art and a science, demanding respect for the plant’s life cycle, an understanding of its signals, and a keen eye for the right moment to harvest. The importance of this moment can’t be overstated — it can dramatically affect the yield, potency, and quality of the final product.

This article is here to guide you through this delicate process, offering expert tips and insights on how to harvest cannabis effectively. Let’s dive deep into the world of cannabis harvesting, discovering why timing is everything, how to identify when your plant is ready, and the post-harvest procedures.

Why Is Timing So Important in Cannabis Harvesting?

As we journey into the heart of cannabis cultivation, it becomes apparent that timing is the secret sauce that flavors the entire cultivation and harvesting process. Harvest too early, and you compromise on potency; too late, and you risk degrading cannabinoids and terpenes.

Knowing when to harvest your cannabis involves a deep understanding of the plant’s life cycle and its various stages, from germination to vegetative growth, flowering, and, finally, harvesting.

The Science of Harvest Timing

From a scientific standpoint, timing is crucial because it affects the concentrations of cannabinoids, the potent chemical compounds like CBD (cannabidiol) that give cannabis its unique properties.

Harvesting at the right time ensures maximum cannabinoid concentration and, therefore, can maximize the therapeutic and wellness benefits that occur when cannabinoids interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system.

Understanding the Plant’s Life Cycle

The life cycle of a cannabis plant is divided into several stages. It starts with the seed germination phase, followed by the vegetative stage, when the plant grows in size and strength. The next stage is the flowering stage, when the plant develops buds.

The harvest is ideally done in the final stage of flowering when the buds are at their peak potency.

By harvesting at the optimal time, you’re not just growing a plant; you’re cultivating a lifestyle. You’re engaging with the earth, creating abundance, and fostering balance and holistic health. As the cycle of cannabis growth mirrors our human experience, it becomes clear that every stage, every moment has its significance.

What Are the Signs Your Cannabis Is Ready for Harvest?

Just like any living organism, the cannabis plant speaks. If we pay close attention, it shares clear signs when it’s ready for harvest. To understand this botanical language, let’s look at some of the indicators that signal the perfect harvest time.


Pistils are the hair-like structures on the buds of your cannabis plant. At the start of the flowering phase, these pistils are white or clear. As the plant matures, the pistils change color, transitioning to a darker hue, typically red, brown, or orange.

If 50 to 70% of the pistils have darkened, it signals that your cannabis plant has reached its peak potency. Harvesting at this stage can provide a more uplifting effect. However, if you prefer a more calming, bodily effect, you may choose to wait until 70 to 90% of the pistils have changed color.


Trichomes are tiny, resinous glands that give cannabis its distinct aroma and contain the plant’s cannabinoids and terpenes. These microscopic structures are a more accurate gauge of when your cannabis plant is ready for harvest.

Initially, trichomes are clear, then turn milky white, and eventually take on an amber hue. You can use a magnifying glass or a jeweler’s loupe to observe the trichomes’ color.

If most of the trichomes are milky white with only a few amber ones, it’s likely an ideal time to harvest for maximum THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, content. If the trichomes are primarily amber, the THC has started to degrade, but the resulting harvest can yield a more relaxed, bodily effect.

Overall Plant Health

The cannabis plant’s general health can also guide you to the perfect harvest time. As the plant nears the end of its flowering stage, its leaves will start to yellow and wilt. This is a natural part of the plant’s life cycle and another sign that it may be ready for harvest.

What Are the Essential Tools for Cannabis Harvesting?

When it comes to harvesting cannabis, having the right tools at your disposal is crucial for ensuring a successful and efficient process.

Here are the key tools you’ll need:

  • Pruning Shears: Sharp pruning shears are essential for making clean cuts without damaging your cannabis plant. Opt for a pair with a comfortable grip for ease of use.
  • Trimming Scissors: You’ll need small, sharp scissors for manicuring your harvested buds. Look for scissors with a non-stick coating to prevent resin build-up.
  • Gloves: Harvesting and trimming cannabis can get sticky! Wearing gloves not only keeps your hands clean but also prevents contamination of the buds.
  • Drying Racks or Lines: After harvest, the cannabis buds need to be dried properly. Racks or lines made from natural materials like hemp can be an excellent choice for this.
  • Magnifying Glass or Jeweler’s Loupe: As mentioned earlier, a magnifying tool is crucial for inspecting the trichomes to determine the optimal harvest time.
  • Storage Containers: Once your buds are dried and cured, they’ll need to be stored properly. Glass jars with airtight lids can help maintain freshness and potency.

With these tools in hand, you’re ready to begin the harvesting process.

How To Harvest Cannabis: A Step-by-Step Guide

Harvesting cannabis can initially seem like a formidable task, but it’s more akin to a rhythmic dance with nature that unfolds gradually. So let’s not just skim the surface, and truly dive deep into the individual steps of the harvesting process, learning the subtle nuances that make each move count.


Before you immerse yourself in the hands-on work, strategic planning is key. This isn’t just a few minutes of scribbled notes. It’s about studying your crop, assessing its size, and determining just how much time you’ll need. Carving out a few hours might suffice for smaller crops, but larger yields could demand a full day of dedicated attention.

Ensure all your tools are ready — clean, sharp, and fit for the task ahead. This is about more than efficiency; it’s about treating your plants with respect and minimizing damage during the harvest.

And bear in mind the environment in which you’ll be working. Harvesting should be done in a well-ventilated area to stave off mold and other potential threats during the drying process.


Now it’s time to make the cut. Start by methodically removing branches from your cannabis plant, working from the bottom upwards.

Harness the precision of your pruning shears, striving for clean, neat cuts that minimize plant stress. Each cut matters, underscoring the reverence you’re paying to this plant that’s been nurtured from seed to maturity.


Once the branches have been cut, the fine art of trimming takes center stage. You have a choice between a wet trim, done immediately after cutting, and a dry trim, done after the branches have dried. Both have their merits, and the choice depends on your preference and environmental conditions.

In either case, your trimming scissors become your chief tool. Use them to carefully remove excess leaves, a task that can test your patience but is truly an exercise in mindfulness.


Post-trimming, the branches must be dried. This process is far from swift — it’s a slow, careful practice that can span up to two weeks. The branches are hung upside down in a cool, dark room with good airflow.

Keeping a watchful eye on humidity levels is vital to prevent mold growth, with ideal conditions hovering around 50% humidity and 70°F (21°C).

What Are the Basics of Curing and Storing?

Once the act of harvesting is complete, it’s time to progress to the vital stages of curing and storing. These aren’t just subsequent steps; they are a culmination that can considerably shape the quality, potency, and longevity of your cannabis.


The art of curing transcends the simple act of storage. It’s a transformative process that decomposes chlorophyll and spurs the growth of cannabinoids and terpenes. The result? Enhanced flavor and heightened potency of your buds — an alchemical shift that evolves nature’s offering into a more enjoyable, beneficial form.

To begin, meticulously trim your dried buds from the branches and gently place them in glass jars, filling to about ¾ full. Now, tuck these jars away in a cool, dark sanctuary. But the journey isn’t over.

For the first week, open the jars daily for a few minutes. This ritual lets in fresh air and releases trapped moisture, an essential element in the curing process. After this initial week, the frequency can be reduced to once every few days.

Curing is not a process to be rushed — it can span from two weeks to two months. But remember, patience is rewarded. The more time you allow for curing, the smoother and richer the flavor of your buds become.


With curing complete, your cannabis is prepared for long-term storage. Your cured buds can remain in the same jars, ensuring they are sealed tightly. These vessels of abundance should be stored in a cool, dark, and dry place.

With the right conditions, your cannabis can retain its potency for up to two years — a testament to the power of good preservation practices. Through these mindful practices, you’re not just storing a plant — you’re preserving an ethos of abundance, health, and resonance with nature’s timeless rhythm.

The Bottom Line

In this journey through cannabis harvesting, we’ve explored the importance of timing, identifying readiness, the essential tools you’ll need, the step-by-step harvesting process, and crucial post-harvest practices.

While this process may seem complex, it’s a dance with nature that offers an opportunity to immerse yourself in the wonder of growth and transformation, creating an abundance that aligns with sustainable living.

To make your harvest even more successful, consider starting your journey with quality genetics. At Blue Forest Farms, our hemp flowers, seeds, seedlings, and clones are handpicked for their genetic quality and consistency. Our seeds are high-yielding, high-CBD, and packed with quality genetics, setting the foundation for a robust yield and successful harvest.

Join us at BFF as we redefine the hemp industry, cultivate balance and holistic health, and nurture our planet.


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