Grow and Buy CBD Hemp Seeds In Colombia

Close up at farmer looking at hemp plant

Untapped Potential For CBD Hemp Industry in Colombia

Hemp cultivation is being legalized in many countries around the globe, but we are seeing many countries slow to roll out regulatory systems therefore preventing farmers from getting licenses to grow CBD. As legal systems are preventing quick rollouts in the countries that recently loosened restriction on cannabis, countries that were part of the first wave of legalization five years ago now have the systems in place and offer tremendous potential for farmers looking into hemp production.

One of the countries we have been monitoring closely is Colombia. Hemp cultivation was legalized in 2017 along with marijuana for farmers that receive an approved license. The rules and regulation are now firm and the process to obtain licensure has been simplified. The country also has competitive advantages, like cost and year-round crops, so local producers should always maintain an edge over North American and European hemp farmers. And, as of just two years ago there were only 129 hemp farming licenses approved. We believe the industry here is still in its infancy and has the potential to grow immensely.

CBD Hemp Growing Regulations in Colombia

hemp farmer

In 2017, decree 613 which authorizes businesses and individuals to join the cannabis industry was signed into law. One of the four types of licensing available includes: Cultivation of non-psychoactive plants (hemp).

In order to cultivate hemp, you’ll need to acquire a permit from the Ministry of Justice for the cultivation of non-psychoactive plants. For farmers interested in cultivating hemp specifically for CBD production, a license for manufacturing cannabis derivatives is also required.

How Do I Get Started Growing CBD Hemp Seeds in Colombia?

After applying for and obtaining the necessary licensure, you will want to ensure you are abiding by all rules and regulations. Regulatory oversight for industrial hemp in Colombia is relatively loose and conducive to business. There is no limit on cultivation area and reporting on cultivation activities is done only twice a year. Many companies underestimate the importance of having a dedicated compliance practice, like using approved hemp seeds, jeopardizing their operation. Many non-compliant companies have even had their licenses revoked recently.

Those looking to make sure their crop doesn’t “run hot,” we recommend purchasing seeds from a reputable company like Blue Forest Farms. Our CBD hemp seed varieties are ideal for growing in Colombia and have been approved for legal cultivation. The threshold for THC content in Colombia is higher (under 1.0%) than in most other countries (typically 0.3%), significantly reducing risk of growing an illegal crop. All Blue Forest Farms seeds meet this requirement. As long as you’re growing certified seeds and all your paperwork is in due form, you’re good to go!

Not a Farmer? You Can Still Grow CBD At Home

A recent change in cannabis regulations now allows residents of Colombia to cultivate and grow the plants at home with a proper license. The licenses are issued and processed by the Ministry of Justice and Law and are good for up to five years. However, there are some restrictions regarding what kind of seeds you are allowed to use for cultivating the plants. You have to register them at the Colombian Institute of Agriculture (ICA) and will need to request a special use permit if you would like to grow restricted seeds.

Get Started With Ordering Your Seeds For Colombia.

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