Delta 8 vs. Delta 10: A Detailed Comparison

Delta 8 vs. Delta 10: A Detailed Comparison

Delta-8 and delta-10 THC both play valuable roles in the holistic hemp experience. But, while they’re both forms of THC, they work very differently.

Some people might find that they prefer one to the other — or that they work best when used at the same time. Learn more about delta-8 and delta-10, their differences, and when to use each.

What Is Delta-8?

Delta-8 THC is a minor psychoactive cannabinoid found in the cannabis family of plants, particularly in industrial hemp. Even though it’s mildly psychoactive, delta-8 typically doesn’t give the same high that many people associate with cannabis plants.

Delta-8 is a gentle breeze of functional relaxation. It’s easy to enjoy the effects of delta-8 while settling into a soothing or meditative activity. If you’re the kind of person that likes to kick back and focus on your hobbies, delta-8 can provide you with a gentle boost of relaxation and creativity that can help make your “me” time a little more enjoyable.

What Is Delta-10?

Delta-10 THC is a minor psychoactive cannabinoid known for producing very mild effects. Many people who use a modest amount of delta-10 THC might not even experience noticeable effects — which is typically the whole point.

The experience of taking delta-10 THC is comparable to microdosing. It’s not going to radically change your day, but it could make the dull or stressful parts feel a little more manageable.

Delta-10 THC is typically a gentle, beginner-friendly cannabinoid that creates a subtle but meaningful experience. If you like the soft touch of chamomile tea at bedtime or the tiny zing of ginseng in your afternoon cup of green tea, delta-10 THC is likely your speed.

How Does Delta-8 Work?

Delta-8 is a cannabinoid, which means it works with your body’s system of cannabinoid receptors to modulate the way you think and feel. There are at least two recognized types of cannabinoid receptors, called CB1 and CB2. There are other receptors throughout the body that can also interact with cannabinoids, but they aren’t cannabinoid-specific.

When delta-8 encounters these receptors, it can bind to them and affect signaling. These receptors normally send signals and messages throughout your body that can help keep you alert and promote homeostasis. Delta-8 tends to change the script a little bit.

When it binds to your receptors, delta-8 can encourage feelings of relaxation. You might feel a little lighter or happier than usual. Delta-8 can help you feel elevated, but not so elevated that you’re ready to burst through the ceiling. It’s more like levitating a few inches out of your chair.

Delta-8 isn’t overwhelmingly strong, which appeals to those who just want a little boost to help them along their day.

How Does Delta-10 Work?

Delta-10 works the same way that delta-8 works — by binding to the cannabinoid receptors and changing messages. Delta-10 is approximately half the strength of delta-8, which means its effects aren’t typically noticeable. You may feel general feelings of lightness or satisfaction without feeling significantly different.

The effects of delta-10 THC can be cumulative. This means that if you use a lot of delta-10 THC, its effects can be comparable to delta-8. By adjusting the dosage in very small amounts, you can turn the dial to exactly where you want it.

This form of THC is ideal for anyone who wants to be in charge of exactly how strong their experience is. Think of it as the ultimate customizable cannabinoid!

How Are Delta-8 and Delta-10 THC Similar?

Delta-8 and delta-10 are both forms of THC — they naturally occur in the same plants and perform the same functions. All forms of THC, including delta-8 and delta-10, work similarly by binding to the same receptors and interacting with the messages in some way.

The only real difference is in the strength of their effects, which comes from the shape of the particular THC molecule. For instance, delta-9 THC (the more commonly recognized form of THC) has the closest fit to the cannabinoid receptors out of any other form of THC. This is what makes it so potent.

Both delta-8 and delta-10 are milder than delta-9 DHC. Their shapes are still compatible with your cannabinoid receptors, but they don’t fit as securely — which means they’re better options for anyone who wants the effects of THC without the intensity of delta-9.

How Are Delta-8 and Delta-10 Different?

The most significant difference between delta-8 and delta-10 is their strength. In all other respects, they’re incredibly similar.

You can even use proportionate amounts and achieve almost the exact same experience using each. However, when used in the same amounts, there is a noticeable difference between the two cannabinoids.

Delta-8 Has a Strong Buzz

Delta-8 is a cannabinoid you would use when you want to feel noticeably different. You’re not going to forget that you’ve used delta-8 because its effects can gradually build up and sustain over time.

You’ll know when it hits your system. It’s an unmistakable feeling, even if it’s not as intense as the elevated feeling you might get from delta-9 THC.

Delta-10 Has a Smooth Ride

Delta-10 tends to function a little more like a nootropic. You’ll know it’s there, you’ll know it’s working, and you’ll be able to feel it doing something — even if you can’t quite put your finger on any noticeable difference.

Delta-10 is so gentle that many people don’t feel like it disrupts their ability to go about their normal lives. Basically, you can use a little bit of delta-10 and successfully clean your house without getting too sidetracked. The experience is designed to enhance your daily life, not overtake it.

Which Is Better: Delta-8 or Delta-10?

That’s like asking if craft beer or wine is better — it all depends on what you’re feeling at the moment. Both have a time and place. However, both delta-8 and delta-10 should be taken in moderation.

Neither delta-8 nor delta-10 should be considered objectively better. Whichever one you choose depends on what you’re in the mood for and the experience you’d like to enjoy. As we mentioned earlier — these minor forms of THC provide the ultimate customizable cannabinoid experience.

If you’ve never used any type of THC before, you may want to start slow. First-time dabblers are less likely to go wrong with delta-10 THC because its lower strength can help make it more approachable. It’s generally less intimidating and not as overwhelming.

If you find that you like Delta-10, you can always increase your dosage or upgrade to delta-8 if you find yourself wanting a more elevated experience.

Can You Use Delta-8 and Delta-10 Together?

There’s a reason why full-spectrum hemp products are wildly popular amongst THC and hemp connoisseurs. Full-spectrum hemp products contain just about every plant piece and compound — just the way that nature created it.

Plant constituents like cannabinoids, terpenes, and phytonutrients work in harmony to help the hemp plant thrive. They’re all meant to be a team.

You can use any naturally occurring cannabinoids or terpenes together, including delta-8 and delta-10 THC. In fact, you should — doing can help you experience the full wealth of benefits that the hemp plant has to offer.

Can You Use Delta-8 and Delta-10 With CBD?

CBD is everyone’s favorite wellness cannabinoid. People add it to their recipes, their coffee, and their body products to enjoy the relaxing wellness benefits — some people even drink CBD oil as-is. But, when you use CBD with other cannabinoids, it can change the way that they work.

CBD interacts with every cannabinoid receptor in your body but doesn’t bind to them. It prefers to pass by, say hello, and influence them in a particular direction.

As it does this, it may “scare off” other cannabinoids attempting to bind to those receptors. After all, delta-8 and delta-10 aren’t very clingy either — the bonds they form are superficial at best. CBD may be enough to scare them off, especially if CBD outnumbers them.

Because of this, CBD might end whatever buzz you were trying to achieve — so it may be recommended to use CBD separately. However, there are some benefits as well! We personally love combining delta-8 with CBD because of the unique lift it provides.

Ultimately, it’s up to you! Play around a little and find what works best for you.

When Should You Use Delta-8 and Delta-10?

You may have heard people talk about daytime cannabinoids and nighttime cannabinoids, but there are really only right-time cannabinoids.

There is no strict reason to use delta cannabinoids exclusively during the day or exclusively at night. You can use them whenever you’d like to use them, as long as you’re choosing a responsible time to indulge.

For instance, if you have the whole day off, you might have some delta-8 at lunchtime. These cannabinoids are here to support you and give you a lift, so try taking some whenever you need that extra support.

What About Delta-9 THC?

Delta-9 THC is the cannabinoid most people are talking about when they refer to “THC.” It’s the most abundant psychoactive cannabinoid in the cannabis family of plants — it’s also the cannabinoid that is often restricted or controlled. It’s known for being the strongest and most potent in its mind-altering effects.

Hemp plants are required by law to contain no more than 0.3 percent delta-9 THC by their dry weight. Because of this, full-spectrum hemp products and whole hemp plants contain delta 9 THC within the legal limit.

There are no specific restrictions regarding delta-8 THC or delta-10 THC, which means there is no upper limit for how much of each of these cannabinoids a hemp plant can contain.

When people discuss the benefits and effects of hemp products, they’re usually referring to the presence of unrestricted cannabinoids like CBD, delta-8, and delta-10.

The Bottom Line

Delta-8 and delta-10 are very similar, but they do have some key differences. The difference in strengths can create a vastly different experience, especially if you intend to use them at similar dosages.

It’s up to you to create the experience you want. You may need to try a few different cannabinoids and a few different dosages before you have your Goldilocks moment.

Remember that it’s always best to start low and go slow. You don’t need to start immediately with delta-8. You can take your time and slowly work your way up the elevator. There’s no rush to get to the top.

Here at Blue Forest Farms, we understand that quality matters. Whether you’re looking for delta-8 gummies or full-spectrum CBD oil, our products are made with the highest quality ingredients and specially formulated to support your overall wellness.


Cannabinoid Receptors and the Endocannabinoid System: Signaling and Function in the Central Nervous System | PNAS Journals

Mechanisms of Action and Pharmacokinetics of Cannabis | The Permanente Journal

The Case for the Entourage Effect and Conventional Breeding of Clinical Cannabis: No “Strain,” No Gain | Frontiers in Plant Science